На торговой площадке представлены предложение и спрос на бензин, дизельное топливо, мазут и битум, нефть, газ и другие нефтепродукты российских предприятий.

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The Aquargy Group innovates in collaboration with our end users. We believe that innovation and creativity do not occur in a vacuum but as a result of Aquargy's experts listening to the people using our products. Making improvements based on feed back leads to exceptional goods and services which are in harmony with the interests of individuals and corporations we serve.
Компания работала на NGE.RU с 29.03.2013 по 29.07.2013
Тел. 81-80-4398-1056
Факс 81-55-243-3993


О компании

The Aquargy Group innovates in collaboration with our end users. We believe that innovation and creativity do not occur in a vacuum but as a result of Aquargy's experts listening to the people using our products. Making improvements based on feed back leads to exceptional goods and services which are in harmony with the interests of individuals and corporations we serve.

Сфера интересов на торговой площадке

We sell fuel by cooperation of the Russian government in Japan. We sell it to Japan and China.


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