На торговой площадке представлены предложение и спрос на бензин, дизельное топливо, мазут и битум, нефть, газ и другие нефтепродукты российских предприятий.

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Hebei Jingke International Trade Co., Ltd

Hebei Jingke International Trade Co., Ltd is a large-scale comprehensive import and export trading company, which integrates research and develop, manufacture and marketing as one. We adopt two-way operation mode, i.e. import and export. The export products are various, include: steels, building materials The import products include: to provide iron ore, scrap steel, raw steel and other kinds of steel raw materials for China's steel enterprises
Компания работала на NGE.RU с 20.05.2013 по 20.08.2013
Тел. (86108587) 127-96-95


О компании

Hebei Jingke International Trade Co., Ltd is a large-scale comprehensive import and export trading company, which integrates research and develop, manufacture and marketing as one. We adopt two-way operation mode, i.e. import and export. The export products are various, include: steels, building materials The import products include: to provide iron ore, scrap steel, raw steel and other kinds of steel raw materials for China's steel enterprises

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