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Тема: Rail Freight and logistics services
Автор:  Мегаполис-Экспресс, ООО Сафин Альберт Ильдарович - директор (написать письмо).   Дата: 04.01.09 00:08.   Просмотров: 1350.   Информация об авторе
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
Megapolis-Express Ltd – rail freight logistic company, which specializes in organization of rail freight all over the Russian Federation, Baltic countries,CIS (Commonwealth of Independent states), South-East Asian Nations.
Megapolis-Express Ltd. Sends you the best wishes and congratulates your company with New Year’s Eve and presents to your attention a following service:
∙ Transport and freight forwarding through Russian Federation, CIS, Baltic countries and other countries;
∙ Paying rail freight fairs all around the Russian Federation territory;
∙ Twenty-four-hour supervisory control of cargo movement by rail;
∙ Organization of freight in owned railway cars and inventory (owned by Russian Railways);
∙ Controlling timeliness of provision with empty and technically suitable for transportation rail cars;
∙ Endorsement of Planning with Central of Commercial Transport Service of Russian Railways;
Main advantages of partnership with Megapolis-Express Ltd are followings:
∙Individual and private approach to preferences of each customer;
∙ Taking into account all mutual benefits;
∙ For constant customers we provide deferment of payments;
∙ Operation Nationwide;
We are long time partnership oriented and that is why we provide high quality service for all our customers. In case you get interested we would be glad to cooperate with your company. All application forms are being accepted. Please, Dial + 7 495 786 39 87 and our manager will help you out or send us an email info@megapolis-express.com or visit us on www.megapolis-express.com.
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